JustKiddin Waiver Form
By entering JustKiddin. Indoor Playground at 43 First Commerce Drive Unit J2, Aurora, ON L4G 0G2, I agree not to hold JustKiddin, its employees, or volunteers responsible for any injury, loss, or damage I might experience, including any harm to my property or even in extreme cases, harm leading to death. This applies whether these incidents happen while I'm involved in activities at the playground or just present on the premises. I understand that this waiver covers any incidents, regardless of whether they're caused by negligence or any other reason, and I agree to this to the fullest extent permitted by law.
I understand and acknowledge the risks involved in the activities at this building. I accept full responsibility for my own safety and for looking after my child at all times during our visit.
The risks at this facility include, but aren't limited to, falls from equipment, accidents on the Kangaroo Jumper, tripping, bumping into equipment or other people, and being hit by things like balls.
I know that these activities could lead to injury or even death, and I choose to take part in them willingly. I'm aware that it's not mandatory to participate. I accept all responsibility for any injury, death, or property damage I might experience, whether it's due to someone else's negligence or not, according to the law.
By signing this agreement, I confirm that I have read and understood this Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement. I am signing it willingly. I haven't been persuaded by anything outside of what's written in this agreement. I am at least 18 years old and fully capable of making this decision. I agree to all the terms in this document of my own free will.